Monday, January 7, 2008


Well here we are. The fourth and final day of our get away. Since Ashley and Megan had a snow day we decided to go back to Rockefeller Center and try to get on the Today Show. Finally around 9 am we were given the heads up that we would be on the tube. We called Grandma to get the girls in front of the tv. Once our 2-3 seconds of fame was over we called the girls and they were yelling w/excitement that they saw us on tv. I think it made there day. After some more shopping @ NBC, we headed down near Chinatown to the Astor Theatre to see the Blue Man Group. We had front row seats and had to wear a poncho due to flying food. The Show was ok. After the Blue Man show we had to get on a subway and head back near Times Square so we could go to another show. Our favorite late night show was back. It was the Late Show w/David Letterman. We had great seats, 4th row on the aisle, right across from Dave's desk. They taped two shows that day. The first w/Robin Williams was show that night (Wed.). Our show w/Donald Trump was shown on Friday. We were on the tv again form another 2-3 seconds. The Late Show was the best part of our day. After a late dinner, we finally crashed. I was zapped and tired and was out by 11pm. To many late nights and frozen drinks finally caught up.

Meredith and Matt

Great Time. Best of the two shows by far.

As I'm laying across the trunk of a limousine, out comes Robin Williams from the first taped Letterman show. Our camera finally ran out of power so I have more pictures on a disposable to post later. I felt like a paparazi dude, but how many times do we see celebrates? Especially in Cincinnati.
So that was our trip to NYC. It was an adventure for sure and we are both glad we were there. New Years in Times Square was quit the experience and would recommend everyone do it atleast once. Talk to everyone soon.

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